Posted by: peggy meador | January 24, 2012

Well that was a new one!

We’ve taking Magic on 7 or 8 flights now so it’s becoming routine, but it seems for the flight attendants its anything but. We get lots of questions from them and if I can explain that she’s an autism support dog without my daughter hearing then they understand, but too many times I’ve said that and she heard and got upset. Then I realized that I wouldn’t go around telling everyone that my daughter was diabetic or hearing impaired. So, out of respect for her, if someone asks me why she has the dog (and she’s with me but is busy and doesn’t answer because they are not addressing her, like when we’re boarding the plane) I decided to just hand them an info sheet that I keep in my purse and keep conversation to a minimum. Today that didn’t work so well. When I handed the flight attendant the info sheet she said, ” no I don’t want that I just want to know what the dog is for!”
So I looked her in the eye and said, ” that’s personal information that she would prefer we not share with you, she gets embarrassed.”
She said ok and walked away. An apology for her rudeness would also have been nice.

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